These days, the manufacturing of machinery and automation lines in Vietnam has not met the needs of automating domestic productions. Therefore the needs of machinery and automation lines from other country such as China, Taiwan, Japan or Ammerica and European countries are increasing. However, the cost of Service installation, technology transfer and operation of foreign expert is too high, which makes customers more consider.

Fumee has more experience in a package contractors of manufacturing and automation productions. We provide technical services such as installation, maintennance of machinery, operation support to customers.
Services process

Fumee has more experience in a package contractors of manufacturing and automation productions. We provide technical services such as installation, maintennance of machinery, operation support to customers. Fumee services team with PMs, Leaders, Engineers who can communicate in English, Japanese, Korean, Chinese,etc,..we have carried out many projects in the fields of automobiles, electronics, supporting production,… Fumee Tech J.S.C has the full capicity and equipments to carry out the whole project (mechanics, electrodynamic, electric control, robot,..)
If you would like to know further information, please do not be hesitated to contact us!